Fruit Export To Australia: Business Need To Note What?

Fruit Export To Australia: Business Need To Note What?

In recent years, exported fruit of Vietnam has strong growth, especially through the difficult markets such as Australia. However, the export of fruit to Australia are really difficult? Procedure for export of fruits such as mango, longan, lychee, the Australian market include what? Let's HNT find out the details in the article below.

The market situation fruit export to Australia

With the Vietnamese community east island in Australia and the increasing demand of the people of Australia for the products from Vietnam such as fruit and spices, export opportunities of Vietnam is increasingly expanded. In particular, the various agricultural products of the two countries is not a duplicate, when Vietnam mainly supply tropical fruits, while the Australian production of fruits temperate. Moreover, both Vietnam and Australia are members of many trade agreements freedom bilateral and multilateral, thereby creating favorable conditions for Vietnam to boost exports of fruits across Australia.

In addition to the favorable agricultural products of Vietnam when exporting to this market is also facing stiff competition from other countries. At present, Vietnam export 4 types of fresh fruit to the Australian market is mango, longan, lychee and dragon fruit. This demonstrates the increase in exports is a challenge not simple. Added to that, the scale of production of agricultural products of Vietnam are still mainly small retail and the ability to traceability, quality control, as well as ensure food safety is still limited.

Vietnam export 4 types of fresh fruit to the Australian market is mango, longan, lychee and dragon

Vietnam export 4 types of fresh fruit to the Australian market is mango, longan, lychee and dragon

Fruit exports to Australia have hard?

Australia rated as one of the most demanding markets in the world with standard requirements for product quality are high and the import process strictly. Here, the technical barriers, requirements for labeling and safety of food are very demanding, even some of the standard is higher than the EU and the United States.

The country put out many import regulations, rigorous, including tax policy and tax rates; regulations on packaging and labeling; sanitation standards, food safety and inspection service; intellectual property; trademarks; as well as the business practices. Australia also owns agriculture, local abundance and diversity. Therefore, for successful entry into the Australian market, the business directory Vietnam fruit should give top priority to product quality. Added to that, consumers in Australia special interest in packaging designs and brand of the product.

Businesses need to give top priority to product quality, rather than just focus on the price

Businesses need to give top priority to product quality 

Conditions of export fruit to the Australian market

  • Each container must be verified to have undergone the procedure of east suit.
  • The relevant documents should specify the information to include: country of origin, scientific name, information-packed, information about the process handle, paper commitment to the icing, and paper committed to prove the product was constantly maintained at a temperature of -18 degrees C for at least 7 days.
  • Goods should be prepared on a commercial scale, pack, clean, and use new packaging.
  • Goods need to be assured of clean, does not contain any material can cause risks biosecurity.
  • Goods when shipping to Australia must be in the form of frozen.

If goods fully meet the above requirements, you can be cleared without further examination.

Conditions of export fruit to the Australian market

Conditions of export fruit to the Australian market

Procedure for exporting fruit to the Australian market

Fruit exports to Australia have hard? Realistic, not only in the Australian market that in general, berries are often considered items can export procedure more complicated than regular goods. Fresh fruit belonging to the category phytosanitary according to annex I, section 09, circular 11/2021/TT-BNNPTNT of the Ministry of Agriculture and rural development (according to detailed HS Code).

When performing procedures fruit export to Australia, businesses need to register quarantine for shipment. This requires businesses to prepare paper phytosanitary along with the other relevant documentation.

Record and export documents

In profile customs export goods should prepare the papers as follows:

  • Contract (Contract): specifies the terms and conditions of the transaction between the exporter and the importer.
  • Commercial invoice (Invoice): specifies the value, quantity, commodity prices, and detailed information about the exporter as well as importer.
  • Votes packaged goods (Packing List): Provides detailed information about the quantity, type of packaging, weight, and size of the goods.
  • Customs declaration: Provides detailed information about merchandise, value, place of origin, shipping method, and information related to the exporter and the importer.

In addition, enterprises in Vietnam should also give foreign buyers the required documents such as:

  • Certificate of origin (Certificate of Origin): Confirm the country of production or origin of goods.
  • Quality certificate of goods (Quality Certificate): issued by the independent authority Tuesday, certification quality and standards of goods.
  • Paper phytosanitary (Phytosanitary Certificate): Confirm that the goods have been phytosanitary and compliance with the rules of quarantine.

Shipping and customs

  • Businesses need to choose shipping method fitting (sea or air).
  • Goods must be declared to customs, security checks before export, and customs clearance when importing into Australia.

The process of packaging and shipping is also very important. Fruits such as mango, longan, dragon fruit, lychee,...exported to the Australian market should be packed according to international standards and labeled clearly. The selection of means of transportation appropriate, preserved in optimal conditions is very important to ensure the quality of the fruit when to consumers.

Fruit should be packed according to international standards and labeled clearly

Fruit should be packed according to international standards and labeled clearly

When exporting fruit to Australia, the most important thing is the business to understand the rules and procedures involved. At the same time, enterprises need to contact closely with the authorities and partners, import, as well as provides a full range of papers and documents. This will help ensure the export process goes smoothly and completely comply with the law.

Export fresh fruit – why should you choose the service of HNT?

With over 12 years of experience providing full service package for many different fruits, HNT is proud bearing unit to service of the highest quality with the most economical cost. We are committed to:

  • Ensure the quality of the goods thanks to modern equipment and process control, strict temperature.
  • Cost savings for the Asia, Middle East, Australia, and many other areas.
  • Guarantee period standard shipping schedule has been committed.
Contact HNT for advice!

Contact HNT for advice!

HNT provide full service from packing, customs declaration, to shipping, to help businesses find the most optimal solution for their needs. You can choose to use services individually or trustee fruit export to Australia packages depending on the requirements.

Contact HNT Logistics via Hotline: 0981.655.880 (Mrs. Thi) – 0949.393.300 (Mrs. Peach) to be detailed consultation and quote!

>>> See more: Export Of Agricultural Products To Australia: Opportunities And Challenges