Exported Agricultural Products And Things You Need To Know

Exported Agricultural Products And Things You Need To Know

Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture and rural development has published figures, exports of agricultural, forestry and aquatic products all over the country. Accordingly, the total exports of months 1/2024 increased compared with the same period. This is considered a good sign, create expectations for target 54-55 billion in 2024. So for the Vietnamese economy, the degree of importance of the export of agricultural products is what? Business directory of agricultural products need to note what when transporting agricultural products and the preparation of customs? Let's find out with HNT Logistics through the article later.

The importance of the export of agricultural products is what?

Agricultural products is what?

Currently, the definition of agricultural products of international organizations and Vietnam, there are still differences. In this article, we would like permission to use the definition of Vietnam. It is the product obtained from crop, livestock, forestry, fisheries and salt production. Products from the processing industry, agriculture, forestry and fisheries not be considered in the group of agricultural goods.

Definition of Viet Nam of agricultural products is what

Some examples of agricultural products for export.

The role of export of agricultural products with the economy of our nation

Agriculture is the major economic sectors of our country. It directly affects strongly to the stability and capacity development of the country. Therefore, export of agriculture is the state of interest. The specific role of it include:

  1. Contribute to the development of national exports. Collect about the source of foreign currency, reducing the deficit of the trade balance, cumulative production development.
  2. Scale, improve the efficiency of export, to maintain the pace of sustainable growth, stable macroeconomic.
  3. Create more jobs, increase income and improve living standards for workers, contribute to social stability.
  4. Increase the efficient use of capital in the agricultural sector. It stimulates innovation, technology, equipment and management methods.
  5. Promote the advantages and available resources of the country.
  6. Enhance the competitiveness of industry, business and products. Export of agricultural products, promote high quality, competitive price. From that positive contribution to the restructuring of production, increase the number and quality of the processed products.

What's worth to note when transporting agricultural products?

From roles on the actual results of exports head 2024, one can see that business are encouraged to participate in active export of agricultural products. But to export efficiency, quality is something that must be advanced. In which transportation, agricultural products the right way is the first thing businesses need to know.

The following are a number of factors to note in the shipping process:

  • Storage: agricultural products easily damaged and requires storage condition specific. The business must meet criteria such as temperature, moisture, light, high isolation,...The aim is to keep the freshness longer.
  • Packaging: Not only protect your products but also to build the brand. Business need to have packing suitable products and the hospitality market.
  • Media: The majority of production units must use a shipping service outsource. So selecting the right partner is very important. Businesses need to consider between cost, time and capacity of partners. Out of the unit logistics, HNT Logistics is the leading name of experience shipping agricultural products.
  • Compliance with regulations: Every country has its own rules about shipping and import agricultural products. Businesses need to understand and comply with these rules in order to avoid legal risks. Or, more simply, to cooperate with the Logistics company reputation, have many professional experience.
Things to know when shipping agricultural products.

HNT Logistics has extensive experience performing the contract of carriage and export of agricultural products.

The type of procedure which business to export agricultural products need to know

Customs clearance is integral part of active directory. Such records need to export of agricultural products is what? It's set includes the type is the legal papers general as a rule, have the type of request more depending on the type of restaurant specific. The following are a number of papers most frequently.

Basic license of export business of agricultural products

This is the license to define the business, including:

  • Business registration certificate (subject to current industry regulations)
  • Certified safety condition of food. Often is certified ISO 22000 or HACCP
  • Paper testing of agricultural products
  • Paper publication quality products
  • Paper registration product bar code, area code, planting, traceability
  • Paper registered trademark.

Certificate of free circulation CFS

CFS (Certification of Free Sale) is certified by the Ministry of Agriculture and rural development level. It is used to confirm that this item is allowed to produce and circulate freely in Vietnam. Typically, the duration of CFS for agricultural products is 05 working days.

Medical certificate HC

HC (Health Certification) is required for the food items according to the requirements of some importing countries. Therefore, businesses should find out if you need to prepare the certificate type is not.Paper HC by the Department of food Safety of the Ministry of health level. Processing time profile registration is 07-10 days, the effect lasts 02 years.

Certificate of phytosanitary

Based on the name, could see the items, vegetables, food will need to this certificate. It is granted for shipment has been accrediting body inspected and passed. To confirm that the goods do not contain pathogens and qualified to national income. Process and duration certification phytosanitary are specified by chapter III circular 33/2014/TT-BNNPTNT.

Certificate of origin of goods C/O

C/O (Certification of Origin) is used to prove the origin of goods. It said the agricultural products produced in where. C/O state-level exporters, in accordance the provisions of 2 countries export and import goods. In Vietnam, the C-level/O do Ministry of industry and trade done.

Due to the dependence on imported water, C/O there are many different patterns. You must register in the correct form, then the customs clearance process happens smoothly.

Business directory of agricultural products need to know.

Customs frills will make people inexperienced in trouble.

Customs documentation

In addition to the vouchers on business the export of agricultural products also must prepare customs documentation in accordance with Article 16 of circular 38/2015/TT-BTC as:

  • Customs declaration form
  • Commercial invoice
  • List of goods
  • Export license
  • Contract trust (depending on circumstances)

Process export of agricultural products

To help you understand the implementation steps, please refer the export process fruits through the gate Friendship of HNT Logistics following.

  1. Registered account customs declaration, C/O and registry cargo information system management information directory of the gate Friendship.
  2. Prepare related records such as invoice, import documents, testimony from the ownership and the other relevant documents.
  3. Made to declare information goods on the customs system.
  4. After customs declaration will conduct a reality check goods if the declaration is threading red. Yellow stream, it will check the stock from. Stream green will direct the customs.
  5. Make payment of fees related to the export of goods.
  6. Receive and record information after completing the process of export goods

In addition, you should also refer to the regulations and specific instructions of the customs and gate concrete to ensure full compliance with processes and procedures for export of goods.

HNT Logistics are the shipping process and export strict.

HNT Logistics are the shipping process and export strict.


From posts on here, you know agricultural products what is prescribed in Vietnam. At the same time holding the note in the shipping of agricultural products and legal papers. Hope that through it, your shipments will be completed more smoothly.

If you are looking for a partner, HNT Logistics with many years of experience in the field of import and export will help you save much time and cost. Service strengths of HNT Logistics include:

  • Shipping and procedures package Durian export gate Lao Cai (hekou) and Lang Son (Friendship)
  • Shipping and transit procedures Durian Thailand from the gate Thakhet – Lao through the gate Friendship, hekou,yunnan, china (Chinese)

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