Delivery Note for Goods and Important Information

Regulations regarding delivery notes for goods or documents related to goods are topics of great interest, especially for those involved in international shipping or logistics companies exploring shipping procedures. So what exactly are they? Let's find out in this article!

Concept of a delivery note for goods

A delivery note for goods is a type of document that confirms the accurate receipt and delivery of goods based on the actual situation. During this process, the delivering party commits to correctly delivering the goods to the customer, and the customer receives the goods in full accordance with the prior agreement between the two parties.

Key characteristics of a delivery note for goods

  • The note should be prepared immediately after the delivery process: The note must be prepared immediately after the delivery process is completed, without waiting for the invoice or contract to be finalized.
  • Confirmation signature upon full receipt of goods: When the customer has inspected and confirmed receipt of the goods in the agreed-upon quantity, they will sign the confirmation on the delivery note.
  • Detailed information on the delivery note: The delivery note must include complete information about both the sender and the recipient, such as company addresses, emails, phone numbers, or representatives. Additionally, it should contain information related to the goods, such as type, item code, quantity, delivery and receipt dates.
  • Accompanied by warehouse receiptsThe delivery note is usually accompanied by an inventory withdrawal form at the sending party or a warehouse entry form at the receiving party.
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It will depend on the agreement process of each party.

Role of the delivery note

Although it is not a mandatory requirement, signing the delivery note during the goods delivery process is a recommended measure to safeguard rights and avoid future complications. The delivery note serves not only as a useful tool for both sender and recipient but also as a means to protect the interests of all parties involved.

Helps provide valid evidence of delivery

The note confirms that the delivering party has fulfilled the terms of the contract regarding time, goods, and location. Moreover, it plays a crucial role in protecting the rights of both parties at the time of receipt. By signing the note, both the recipient and the sender demonstrate their agreement and acceptance of the information recorded therein.

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Therefore, the recipient cannot blame the shipper for any missing or damaged items.

Provides detailed information about the goods

This is a critical tool for providing clear and detailed information about the delivery and receipt process of goods. This includes details about the representatives of the recipient and the sender. Additionally, it details quality, quantity, and other relevant information regarding the delivery and receipt of goods.

The note serves as a crucial legal basis for resolving disputes

In the event of conflicts arising after the receipt of goods, the note serves as vital evidence that competent authorities can use to intervene and determine responsibility for any discrepancies. Thus, it facilitates the transparent and fair resolution of disputes to the best extent possible.

The note helps the selling entity appear more professional than ever

If you are a retail business, including additional documentation when delivering goods to customers will not only help them understand the contents of the shipment but also contribute to establishing a highly professional image for your business.

This is an opportunity for customers to remember your brand once again. And your company will become more professional and reliable in the eyes of customers through these relationships.

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This will lead them to decide to choose you for future occasions and to market your brand through the relationships they know.

Content of the delivery note for goods

Currently, there are no specific legal regulations regarding the construction of a delivery note for goods. However, to avoid disputes, the content of the note should include the following elements:

  • Specific names of the selling entity and business.
  • The date of the delivery and receipt of goods.
  • The delivering party must provide the full name of the company, phone number, address, position, and representative.
  • The receiving party must provide the full name of the company, representative, address, phone number, and position.
  • Information related to the goods such as type, item code, unit price, quantity.
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Additionally, signatures and stamps confirming the agreement of all parties involved.


We hope the information in this article has helped you understand more about the concept, characteristics, roles, and content of the delivery note for goods. If you are looking for the best quality shipping company to transport your shipments quickly and at the most reasonable cost, contact HNT Logistics today at 0981.655.880 (Mrs. Thi) for the earliest consultation on suitable services for you!