Business License for Transport and Important Notes

Are you concerned about the regulations regarding the business license for road transport or the model of goods transport business license? To obtain this license, you must understand its specific requirements. What are they exactly? Let's find out right away!

Specifics of the business license for automobile transport

According to current Vietnamese law, operating a transport business by car is one of the conditional business sectors. You must apply for a business license, also known as a derivative license, to carry out transport business activities.

In this case, the enterprise must complete the licensing procedures at the Department of Transport after completing business registration procedures at the Department of Planning and Investment. Here are the regulations related to the procedures and sequence for obtaining a business license for automobile transport, specifically:

General conditions for obtaining a business license for automobile transport

You must own or have legal ownership or use rights based on a written lease contract of vehicles by businesses engaged in automobile transport with individuals, organizations, or cooperative business contracts according to legal regulations.

In cases where registered vehicles belong to members of cooperatives, you must have a service contract between members and the cooperative. This contract must stipulate the cooperative's responsibilities regarding rights and obligations to manage, use, and operate vehicles owned by cooperative members.

Before July 1, 2021, all commercial vehicles with a capacity of 9 seats or more, including the driver, must install cameras to ensure the storage of images or record images in the vehicle, including the driver and the door opening and closing during traffic participation. Commercial vehicles transporting goods by container, tractor trucks must install cameras to ensure the storage, recording of images of drivers during traffic participation.

The time to store images on the car must be ensured as follows:

- At least 24 hours ago for vehicles with a journey of up to 500 km.

- At least 72 hours ago for vehicles on routes with distances over 500 km.

giấy phép kinh doanh vận tải

Data, images will be provided to police or traffic inspectors and licensing authorities to ensure transparent and public supervision.

Documents for business licenses including:

For businesses or cooperatives

  • You need a notarized copy of the business registration certificate.
  • A request for a license in the form
  • Notarized copy, diploma, or certificate of the person directly responsible for transportation.
  • A certified copy or original of the decision to establish and regulate the duties and functions of the management department monitoring traffic safety conditions (applicable to transport cooperatives, passenger transport enterprises along fixed routes, passenger transport by bus, taxi, passenger transport using electronic contracts, container goods transport.)

For business households

  • A request for a license in the form
  • A copy and verification
  • Business registration certificate
mẫu giấy phép kinh doanh vận tải

You can refer to sample business licenses for transport

Sequence, procedures for granting business licenses for transport

Handling the file

The license application dossier (1 set) will be sent to the Department of Transport.

Within five working days from the date of receiving a complete dossier, if additional or revised dossier is required, the licensing authorities will notify the unit within three days from the date of full dossier submission.

In cases of changes in business conditions related to the content of the license, business units must submit such changes to be re-licensed.

After obtaining the license, the unit applies for a license for its business vehicles.

Application for vehicle license

Applying for a vehicle license contract is one of the necessary procedures to ensure safety and follow the procedures, as stipulated by law.

Conditions for applying for a vehicle license contract you need to:

  • Business license for passenger transport by car according to contract.
  • The contract vehicle must install journey monitoring devices.
  • The contract vehicle must be registered according to the law.
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However, the procedures for applying for a vehicle license contract are extremely complicated.


Hopefully, the information related to the business license for transport in this article has helped you understand more about the procedure, process, and dossier for obtaining a business license for transport. And don't forget to follow HNT Logistics today to keep updated on the most important information about transport services!