Entrusted Export And Import

Entrusted Export

Export trust is a popular service nowadays. So find company entrusted import is the best? Invite you along to find out!

Export trust is what?

This is the form in which a business, organization, entity any (referred to as the trustee) hire a business unit export services (referred to as the trustee) on behalf of yourself performing activities, import and export goods.

The work of the entrustee import and export what is?

In the active trustee, side trustee will deliver to the trustee the whole. Or part of the work related to import and export goods, including:

  • Looking for partners, negotiating and signing contracts for the sale of goods.
  • Search modes of transportation, payment method accordingly.
  • Customs procedures, import and export.
  • Service provider cargo insurance.
  • Delivery to the entruster or the Tuesday.

The entrustee shall perform the work at the request of the trustee and responsible for the risks in the implementation process.

Delegating is an effective solution for businesses, organizations do not have enough resources or experience to perform active transport of goods.

Advantages of trustee service

The advantage to using a trustee service
Use a trustee service brings many benefits certain

Minimize the cost and time

Business and organizations do not need to invest in facilities, manpower, time for export-import operations.

Enhance operational efficiency

Businesses and organizations can focus on the main business activities of his.

Minimize risk

The entrustee shall be responsible for the risks in the implementation process.

The type of trustee


Here is the trustee delivered to the trustee perform active transport of goods.


Here is the trustee delivered to the trustee perform active transport of goods.

Service package

Here is the trustee delivered to the trustee made the whole operation, freight from looking for partners, negotiating, contracting, transportation, insurance, customs clearance, delivery destination.

Contract trust

Contract trust is a written agreement between the entruster and the entrustee on the side trustee will perform one or a number of work related to active transport of goods according to the request of the trustees.

Contract import-export commission should have full the following contents:

  • Name, address, tax code of the entruster and the entrustee.
  • Content trustees.
  • The term trustee.
  • Payment methods.
  • Responsibilities of the parties.
  • Other terms.

Contract import-export commission must be concluded in writing and has the same legal force under the provisions of the law.

So find company entrusted import export is the best?

What unit is entrusted import and export reputation, high quality
HNT – unit entrusted import and export reputation, high quality

HNT Logistics is units are licensed to provide services of import and export in Vietnam. With over 12 years of experience in the field, HNT will give the customer service experience in a professional way, reputation, quality and high efficiency.

Contact HNT Logistics now at hotline number 0981.655.880 (Mrs. Thi) to learn more about our services!