Professional Import-Export Services in Ho Chi Minh City, Competitive Prices

Professional Import-Export Services in Ho Chi Minh City, Competitive Prices

Import-export services are currently evolving towards specialization. This means companies focus on their core areas: manufacturing high-quality products for competitive advantage. They transport goods to countries through third-party companies, giving rise to various service forms. Perhaps needless to explain, you likely understand what import-export services entail. But what about on-site import-export services? What are the procedures involving all three parties to facilitate smooth trade? Which trustworthy import-export services in Ho Chi Minh City should you consider partnering with? Let's explore these questions further.

Import-EXPORT activities are getting more policy support from The State.

Import-export activities are benefiting from various government support policies.


Concept of Three-Party Import-Export Services

What is Import-Export Services?

Import-export involves the buying, selling, and exchanging of goods and services between Vietnamese businesses and foreign enterprises.

So, what exactly are import-export services? It refers to all services that facilitate the exchange process mentioned above. This includes transportation, insurance, customs procedures, and government registration.

What are Three-Party Import-Export Services?

Three-party import-export involves the participation of a third party in the import-export process. This is a common practice today where manufacturing and trading enterprises use professional services provided by a third party. For example, Cooperative A sells durians to a company in China. Instead of handling shipping schedules, renting vehicles, and managing customs procedures themselves, Cooperative A uses the import-export outsourcing services of HNT Logistics. Since HNT Logistics specializes in these tasks, the process becomes smoother and faster. In return, Cooperative A pays a predetermined fee corresponding to HNT Logistics' service charges.

In this approach, manufacturing and trading enterprises can concentrate their resources on improving production, finding new partners, and expanding their markets. The process of delivering goods to customers and partners is handled by logistics companies.

HNT Logistics made package procedure export import 3rd party.

HNT Logistics offers comprehensive import-export procedures for all three parties.


On-Site Three-Party Import-Export Services

With the strong development of various import export forms and the government's open policies, there's a new type of three-party import-export service. Here, the involvement of logistics partners is no longer necessary. The three parties involved refer directly to those engaged in buying, selling, and taking ownership of goods. This form is known as on-site three-party import-export.

Essentially, these are still trade contracts between domestic and foreign businesses. However, the unique aspect is that the goods remain "on-site," meaning they don’t need to cross Vietnam's borders. For instance, Vietnamese Company A sells coffee to a foreign Company B. Instead of waiting for the goods overseas, Company B directs the delivery of the coffee to Vietnamese Company C for processing and distribution. Here, the three companies engage in on-site import-export services.

What Are the Procedures for Three-Party Import-Export?

Here, we'll introduce the types of procedures in the two cases mentioned above. 

Normal Import-Export Procedures

Firstly, in cases where businesses utilize professional import-export services, the process includes various documents depending on the type of goods. However, there are mandatory documents such as:

  • Commercial contracts
  • Commercial invoice
  • Packing list
  • Bill of lading
  • Customs paperwork

In addition, the papers may or may not depending on commercial contracts such as:

  • Proforma invoice
  • Letter of credit
  • Insurance certificate
  • Certificate of origin
  • Inspection certificate
  • Quality certificate
  • Hygiene certificate
  • Fumigation certificate
  • ...
What Are the Procedures for Three-Party Import-Export?

Customs procedures can be carried out quickly if you understand the laws, regulations, and procedures.

Only when you delve into the specifics of the goods being imported or exported, and the destination, can you be certain of the exact set of procedures you need. If using full-service providers, a third-party partner will handle the entire process for you.

Three-Party Import-Export Procedures

For on-site import-export, the basic procedures still include the documents mentioned above. This means besides the mandatory paperwork, all import and export procedures need to be completed simultaneously. Moreover, the responsible parties should adhere to regulations regarding the responsibilities of involved parties, along with details about the process and timeframe for each stage.

Reliable Import-Export Services in Ho Chi Minh City

All forms of import-export require considerable time to execute. Therefore, the support from service providers remains crucial. If you're seeking a trustworthy logistics partner in Ho Chi Minh City for import-export services, consider HNT Logistics.

HNT Logistics, short for HNT Trading Transport and Logistics Company Limited, was established in 2011 in Ho Chi Minh City. With over 12 years of experience, HNT Logistics offers services such as:

  • Freight forwarding: Handling transportation nationwide, exporting agricultural productsfruits, and seafood to Asia and the Middle East.
  • Import-export procedures: Specializing in consulting, outsourcing, handling transit documents, rapid processing of export and import procedures to facilitate trade between countries.
  • FCL transportation: Specializing in sea and land transport, connecting customers with major international shipping companies.
  • Warehouse rental: Providing depot services with strategic locations and full equipment for vehicle storage, cold storage for goods, and quarantine inspection.
HNT Logistics provides full import and export services ho chi minh city.

HNT Logistics provides comprehensive import-export services in Ho Chi Minh City.


These are the details about three-party import-export services and procedures we wanted to share with you. We hope this helps you understand the various forms, regulations, and feel confident participating in trade.

If you're also looking for a reputable logistics partner in Ho Chi Minh City, contact HNT Logistics. Their experienced and enthusiastic team is ready to address all your concerns. Alongside quality service, HNT Logistics ensures competitive fees for all customers.